
Investment ISA

ISA: Tax-free investing

So you want to start investing but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered. 

  An AJ Bell Dodl investment ISA offers newbie investors a way to create for themselves a brighter financial future - think, a new house, retirement, home improvements… whatever you’re saving for, we’re ready to help get you there. 

  We know finances can be overwhelming. You can be bombarded with terms like stocks, bonds, ISAs, lifetime ISAs, funds and it can all be a bit much, it’s completely normal to feel like you don’t know where to start. That’s where Dodl comes in. It’s designed to make investing easy and straightforward.  

 Any cash you put in a Dodl investment ISA earns interest while you wait to invest. 

  So, let’s break down three key reasons to open a Dodl investment ISA, today.  

  1.  You get the best of both worlds by earning interest on your uninvested cash while you decide how you want to invest 
  2.  You can invest up to £20,000 per tax year in your ISA (think, investment growth and interest tax free!) 
  3.  Invest for less with just a 0.15% account charge - making Dodl one of the best value investment apps around. 

  Who doesn’t want all that? 

  So, if you’re ready to take control of your finances and make your money work for you, open your Dodl account today. 

Open an account

Read next:

Setting Up Your ISA: Step-by-Step

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🔔 Remember investing carries risk and nothing in this article should be taken as advice - Dodl doesn't give advice, but we do hope the info is helpful!