
Investment ISA

The money in your ISA

It’s a fantastic start! But what comes next? Should you let your hard-earned money just sit there? Or…should you invest it?  

We know it can be overwhelming, it’s a normal feeling to have, but investing those ISA funds rather than just letting them sit there makes more sense and will hopefully put you on track for future financial success.  

With Dodl ISAs, it really couldn’t be easier. You earn interest on your cash while you decide how and where you want to invest it. 


You work hard. So should your money 

We know that leaving your ISA in cash might feel safe, but the reality is that it’s not doing as much as it could for you in the long run. Inflation can erode your purchasing power, meaning your cash could lose value over the long term. Investing the cash in your ISA can help you stay ahead of inflation, grow your wealth, and make your money work harder. 


Tax-free growth? Yes, please! 

One of the biggest perks of an ISA is that it’s tax-free which might sound too good to be true. But it is. This means that any growth on your investments within your ISA - whether it be from interest, dividends, or capital gains - is free from UK tax, meaning more of your money can stay invested. The bottom line? Your money gets a bit of a helping hand to grow faster. 


Making risk more comfortable 

We understand some people find the thought of starting to invest overwhelming- it can feel like your money is out of your control. But it’s easier to manage risk than you might think. By spreading your ISA funds across different geographical regions and types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and funds, you can help protect you against market volatility. Diversification is essentially the financial equivalent of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Creating a diverse portfolio is simple with Dodl’s range of shares, themed investments and ready-made portfolios. 


The power of growth: money making money 

The magic of compound growth is a solid reason to start investing your ISA cash. Compound growth occurs when you earn returns not only on your initial investment but also on the returns your money generates. Over time, this snowball effect can act as a great wealth booster. 


Ready to get your money moving? 

Building a secure financial future doesn’t just happen. It takes action. Investing your ISA cash is a crucial step in making sure that your money is working hard to potentially earn you, well, more money. Whether you’re aiming for a comfortable retirement, home improvements, or that new home, long term investing can help you get to where you want to be financially, faster.  


To take control of your financial future, get started by investing in your Dodl ISA today! 


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How to start investing with your ISA

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🔔 Remember investing carries risk – you could lose money as well as make it. Nothing in this article should be taken as advice - Dodl doesn't give advice, but we do hope the info is helpful!