
Investment ISA

What are the benefits of regularly adding cash to your ISA? 

You’ve already taken strides toward securing your financial future by investing in your ISA with AJ Bell Dodl. Now, it’s time to explore the benefits of making regular monthly contributions (adding cash) to your investment ISA to help it work harder for you.


Your tax-free allowance - maximised

You can make the most of your annual ISA allowance by ensuring that you are regularly subscribing  into your account. By regularly subscribing to your account, you’re helping ensure that more money is being saved and invested, helping your finances grow


Grow your investments steadily

Making regular subscriptions to invest within your ISA helps grow your investments over time. Even small monthly amounts can add up, boosting your overall investment without needing to make a large one-off payment. By making steady subscriptions, you give your money the chance to grow bit by bit, month by month.


Build investing habits

Selecting a monthly investment and setting up a direct debit automates your investing habit, something that you just do on autopilot, so you don’t have to think about it each month.


It gives you flexibility and control

One of the big concerns with making regular subscriptions is that people are scared that they will be locked into something that they can’t change. But it’s your money. What if you want to add more money one month or less money another?

With a Dodl ISA, you have the flexibility to adjust your monthly amounts according to your financial situation, starting at just £25 per month. Whether it’s increasing subscriptions when you can or scaling back when necessary, you stay in control.


Ready to start making regular subscriptions?

By making regular monthly subscriptions to your ISA with Dodl you can help grow your investments and secure your financial future.

Invest monthly

Read next:

Setting up monthly ISA subscriptions

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🔔 Remember investing carries risk and nothing in this article should be taken as advice - Dodl doesn't give advice, but we do hope the info is helpful!