Our investment options

Build your Dodl investment portfolio from the straightforward range of AJ Bell funds, themed investments and shares.


Phone preview showing Dodl investment range in the app

First things first, why invest?

  • Make your money work harder…

    Savings are good, especially if you need your money in the shorter term. But if you want to make your money work harder and beat inflation, investing it over the long term (5+ years) gives it the best chance.


    Savings vs investments
  • ...for all your financial goals… 

    Whatever your financial goals – buying a house, retiring in style, or simply building your wealth – investing your money could help you to achieve them. 


    Phone preview with app screen showing range of Dodl accounts
  • ...and, with Dodl, it's easier than ever! 

    Whether it's your first time investing, or you've done this all before, Dodl cuts out the jargon and hassle for a simple, low-cost investing journey.  


    Phone showing three easy steps to start investing with Dodl

    Graph provided for information purposes only. Data source: AJ Bell. Returns are based on £1,000 invested or saved at the start of 2012 and held there for ten years. Investment returns are based on the AJ Bell balanced fund performance where available (2018-2022) and its underlying asset allocation in all previous years to simulate performance. Simulated performance (prior to 2018) has been calculated using the current asset allocation which may have been different in the past and is exclusive of investment charges. Investment returns shown exclusive of platform charges. Savings returns are based on an assumed average figure of 1% interest year on year.


    Before diving in you should know the risks of investing – because you could lose money as well as make it. With Dodl you can get to know the risks and the benefits of investing via the learn tab. 

    So what can you invest in?

    Choosing investments can feel a bit scary, that’s why Dodl doesn’t overcomplicate things. To make your investment decisions easier, you’ll pick from a straightforward range made up of funds, exchange traded funds and shares.

    Jargon alert! What are funds, exchange traded funds and shares?


    When you invest money in a fund, it goes into a pot with lots of other investors’ money. A professional fund manager uses that pot of money to buy investments, according to the fund’s goals. And in exchange for managing the fund, they’ll charge you a % of your investment.

    With Dodl you can invest in AJ Bell funds or themed options.

    Exchange traded funds (ETFs)

    ETFs are designed to track the performance of an index (e.g. FTSE 100) without you having to buy all of the companies or investments which make it up. When the index goes up or down in value as will the price of the ETF.

    With Dodl you can invest in ETFs which track particular themes.


    Buying shares in a company makes you a part owner of it. Depending on how well the company does, the value of your shares could go up or down, giving you either a profit or a loss when you sell them.

    With Dodl you can buy shares in some of the most recognisable companies in the UK and US.

    Dodl investment range

    The range of investments can be split into three groups: the AJ Bell funds, themed investments and shares.

    AJ Bell funds

    What are they?

    A set of seven different investment portfolios, ready-made by the experts at AJ Bell to make investing as simple as possible. Just choose the risk level which suits you, and whether you’re after something more responsible, then you’re away!

    Who are they for?

    • New to investing and not sure where to start
    • Just want to leave your investments to the experts
    • Want a ready-made portfolio matching the risk you’re happy to take

    Not sure what’s meant by ‘risk’? Read the blog post all about investment risk.

    Browse AJ Bell funds

    Preview of app showing range of AJ Bell funds

    Themed investments

    What are they?

    Build an investment portfolio with funds which reflect your values. Invest in the trends you believe in, including specific sectors and regions, or responsible investments. 

    Brought to you by some of the biggest names in the investment world, so you’re still benefitting from some expertise.

    Who are they for?

    • Looking for particular themes, like global regions or responsible investments
    • Happy to build your own portfolio but still want to invest in funds
    • Investing around your interests and values

    If you’re liking this option, just remember, it’s important to build your portfolio from a diverse range of investments spanning different themes. 

    Browse themed investments

    Preview of Dodl app showing range of themed investments


    What are they?

    Own a portion of a big-name brand by investing directly in a UK or US company. You've 80 to choose from, covering a wide range of sectors, so have a browse and see which ones you recognise!

    Who are they for?

    • Feeling confident enough to build your own portfolio of investments
    • Want to invest in individual companies and know the risks of this
    • Happy to do your own research when choosing the ones for you

    Browse shares

    Preview of Dodl app showing range of shares available

    Dodl offers a streamlined selection of funds, themed investments and shares from the wider AJ Bell range. If you're looking for more options when it comes to your investments, Dodl might not be for you. Instead, you may want to explore AJ Bell's full range of investment options.


    How do you invest with Dodl?

    Get started in 3 simple steps.

    1. Open your Dodl account

      Sign up, choose an investment account then open it – all in a matter of minutes

    2. Add Cash

      Begin by adding as little as £100, or set up a monthly direct debit from £25

    3. Start investing

      Browse the investment range, read up on the details then start building your portfolio!

    Get Started

    Help’s on hand

    Head to the help centre to have all your questions answered. And you can chat to Team Dodl anytime in the app or at hello@dodl.co.uk.

    Get a little help

    You can always learn more before (and after) taking your first investing steps with Dodl. Pop the kettle on, get comfortable and head to the Dodl learn tab, where you can master the basics of investing.

    Get started today

    It's important to know

    You have to be a UK resident for tax purposes to open an account with Dodl.

    The past performance of investments isn't an indicator of their future performance and their value can go down as well as up. This means you could get back less than you originally invested. 

    Dodl doesn’t offer any advice so if you’re not sure about the risks involved with investing, you should speak to a suitable financial adviser. 

    How you're taxed depends on your circumstances, and tax rules can change in future.